Auto Repair

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Auto Repair | ACME Auto Repair |  Hopkinsville, KY | (888) 888-8888

ACME Auto Repair


Our Location

123 Main Street
Hopkinsville, KY 42320
(888) 888-8888
Business Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

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For many drivers, auto repair means putting gas in the tank and getting an oil change every once in a while. However, a car is like an organism, in that many things can cause it to get “sick.” When one part of your car won't work properly and these symptoms are untreated, they generally get worse until the car isn't drivable anymore.

Brakes and suspension systems are what make driving safe and not life-threateningly dangerous. A working suspension system makes sure your car does not rattle all over the road and also allows your vehicle to smoothly stop when you step on the brake. Quality brake pads are the accompaniment to a working suspension system, as you need both in order to drive safely.

When you drive you sometimes brake more than once per minute, especially when you are caught in traffic. These individual stops (especially sudden ones) wear down your brake pads, so it is always important to have a mechanic check on them to make sure they can still perform their function adequately.

Wheel alignment is a popular auto repair service you can get at ACME Auto Repair. When your car's wheels are correctly aligned, the tire's angles will be lined up perfectly and the car will ride “true” without veering to either side. Another advantage of alignment is that it will let your tires last longer before having to be replaced.

Alignment is not a one size fits all type of auto repair issue. It depends on the specifications of your car and the type of tires you have. ACME Auto Repair of Hopkinsville, KY, is prepared to work on every brand of car or tire. We always know what design specifications are needed for your vehicle's alignment.

Check out what we have to offer today!